FIXAR suspension elements can be installed in cars of almost all world's brands. Overall, you will find suspension elements for more than 15.000 different car modifications within our catalogue.
All FIXAR suspension elements are covered by 12 calendar months warranty, that starts from purchase day.
Carberry GmbH specialists have created a system for product authentication wherein every item is given its unique QR-code, marked on the package. You can use this code at the time of purchase to check compatibility of purchased product with one or another car model.
All FIXAR suspension elements are certified products, that meet requirements of the EU legislation. Catalogue is regularly updated with new FIXAR suspension elements for popular car models.
FIXAR suspension elements are a guarantee for safe control of the vehicle on the road.
FIXAR trade mark belongs to German company Carberry GmbH, that manufactures spare parts and components for cars from leading world brands.
Carberry GmbH company portfolio includes BLITZ, TORR, HAFT, GREEN FILTER, FREE-Z, FIXAR, CARBERRY brands. All of them present a wide range of products - over 10.000 items - automotive components from different item groups, such as braking systems, cooling systems, shock absorbers, transmissions, filters, suspension elements, autolamps and wiper blades.
Carefully selected range of products, efficient logistics system, balanced price strategy, high product variability, multi-step product certification system - are the key competitive advantages of all our Company's brands.